Tuesday, October 12, 2010



The following sketches are our analysis of a site in taylors Lakeside Campus.
 The 15x10m site. This plan shows the various objects and factors that are present at our site.
 This sketch shows the 2 thumbnails that are required. One shows a potted plant which is present at the site while the other is a thumbnail of a no smoking sign which is on one of the pillars on-site.
A second perspective. this perspective shows the more man made sector of the site. It is mostly cement and metal. However also can be seen are the little bushes which grow beneath the stairs and the potted plants offer a touch of nature to this area.



The traces below are of villa Savoye by Le cCorbusier.
 The picture above is a tracing of the cross section of the affore mentioned villa.
 The site plan of the villa reveals that the villa is surrounded by open grass and trees. The nearest building is connected via a road whch also serves to link the villa to the main road.
 The plans above are the plans of the ground floor, first floor and the roof. As can be seen from the plans, the design of the villa is unique yet practical.
 Here is sketched the elevations of villa Savoye from the front and the right. very minimal designs were applied and yet it still maintains its charm.


The numbering for the drawings are wrong. Sorry!!
The picture above is a one point perspective of Block E. The 2 sides fade into a point which is behind the paper and thus the size and dimensions get smaller as it gets farther.

The sketch above is a corner of block d. It shows a 3 point perspective. The 3 points are  on the left, the right and below. due to the perspective, The safety railings are somewhat blown out of proportion.

This shows a 2 point perspective of the lift at block E5. the picture also shows 2 details of the lift.



 The drawing above are the 6 types of hatching that we have learned in class. From the 6 items above, we can see the different types of hatching. These are Pointillism, Short Hatching, Cross hatching, Continous, Scribble and ZigZag. 
 The mug above was hatched with the short hatches. The short hatches seem better for the mug as the shape of the mug curves and the shadow also curves accordingly.
 The die is hatched with the cross hatching technique. the straight sides and the corners of the die allow cross hatching to be done easily.
the leaf is hatched with pointillism. The leaf is already naturally unsmooth so the pointillism makes the leaf look more natural and real.


This is Ishida. A character in the Bleach manga. A very studious and smart person. He is a very powerful archer and is one of the last members of his clan.
The dragon on the left is Charizard the Pok'emon. he is a brave and fierce fire breathing dragon. He is trained by Ash and is very loyal 2 him. However, sometime he can be lazy and disobedient.The boy on the right is called Sai. He is a ninja of the Konoha village and is a key member of the Anbu squad. A very mysterious guy and is very good at drawing.